Company Sandin d.o.o. began its story in 1996, when Sandin Kulenović bought the first truck and formed the company, which grew into a respectable company with over 20 trucks and international cooperation. Sandin then, recognizing the key role that logistics played in the global economy, set out to create a company that is still today the only company of its kind in the Una-Sana Canton with an international reputation.

Vozni park kamiona

From the early days, the company focused on more than just moving goods from point A to point B. It was the backbone of the return of the population, where transportation was based mainly on moving. In the war-ravaged Bosanska Krupa and surrounding towns, the courage and determination to found a company looked more like madness, but motivation, vision and desire for success formed this company, which is still held by the same principles.

As the company Sandin d.o.o. grew, so did its commitment to sustainability. Through strategic partnerships
and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Sandin has expanded its global footprint. With a network
that spanned continents, the company facilitated international trade, supporting businesses and the economy
throughout BiH and the region.


The success of Sandin ltc. was not
measured only in the tonnage moved; it was
measured in established relationships,
overcome challenges and positive
impact on communities. As the company grew,
it invested in its
greatest asset – its people.


Today, this company stands as a powerful
testament to what can be achieved
when a dream meets determination. The story
continues to unfold, and Sandin and the entire
company are steadfast
in their commitment to shaping the future
of transportation. With each journey, this
company moves closer to the vision that fueled
its inception – a world where connectivity knows
no borders and commerce flows effortlessly.


In 2018, this company begun
a new chapter, the CNC production, where, through
transport services, this business unit has been born
on its own. The beginning of the production branch
of Sandin Pro went gradually,
and with some rest during the period of COVID, today
it is a company that produces revolutionary
prototypes, complex components and large
production series and that is dedicated
to bringing your visions to life.


The story of this company is not just the story
of a transport giant; it is a narrative
of innovation, sustainability and the relentless pursuit
of excellence. As the chapters develop,
Sandin ltc. remains committed not only
to moving the world, but leaves an indelible
mark on the future of logistics and manufacturing,
and proves its excellence, value
and professionalism.